T: 212-768-2400 F: 212-913-9666
2000 Plaza Ave, New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Executive Team

Factory Overruns, Inc. is a leader in off-price apparel solutions for catalog retailers, brand manufacturers and specialty store retailers with extensive knowledge and expertise in inventory management, reduction, high volume sales logistics and warehousing and in brand protection.

Our commitment to quality and impeccable concierge service delivers the highest level of satisfaction to our clients.

Jeff Dvoor
President Factory Overruns, Inc.

Jeff Dvoor, President of Factory Overruns, is a fanatic price buyer and economic strategist with over 20 years experience running and managing operations and buying of off price goods and materials. Mr. Dvoor has traveled extensively throughout the world and in particular throughout Asia, Middle East, Southeast Asia in developing relationships in sourcing products, fulfillment and handling all aspects of pricing and large volume sales off-price merchandise, apparel and accessories.

Josh Marlowe
CEO Factory Overruns, Inc.

Josh Marlowe, CEO of Factory Overruns, has over 15 years experience in working with sourcing products throughout the world and managing all facets of logistics and warehousing. Mr. Marlowe has traveled to Aisa, Middle East, South America and Southeast Asia sourcing products and handling oversees shipping and customs. Josh Marlowe has developed relationships with both domestic and overseas factories and manufacturers for product development, marketing, off market sales and large inventory reduction.

Factory Overruns is focused on reducing excess inventory, increasing profitability and in protecting
your brand.
Brand Protection
Factory Overruns helps to protect your brand identity with our extensive monitoring measures and in helping to secure your brand market
Factory Overruns, Inc. purchases excess merchandise including apparel, home goods, footwear and accessories from catalog retailers, manufacturing brands, specialty stores and from factories directly.